Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Area 5's Co-op

This here is my favorite online videogame show... or... er... the only one I watch. I, at one point, use to watch all my reviews at gametrailers.com, but one day they gave a great review to a shitty game and I have ceased watching any reviews from there. Actually I think they nominated Star Wars: Force Unleashed for game of the year or something like that and I lost my mind. Anyway, I really enjoy this show because they are honest and just tell you what they think about the games instead of giving some abstract number to define it. The humor is kinda lack luster but the candid conversations they have about what they have played that week and how they haven't put down the latest Castlevania or some indie game that came out for the iPhone remind me of conversations my friends and i have. Probably the biggest thing that i like about them is they focus on if its fun or not. A review they did for Red Faction: Guerrilla is a good example. I never played the game so i don't know how good or not it is but they said all the things about what the disliked and all the things they did liked and finished with something like "but its really fun to knock buildings down". that's all i needed to hear.

Check it out at there website here of there Youtube channel here.

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