Friday, January 29, 2010

Games Games Games

Top 5 games I want to play this year:

5. Heavy Rain: So, I know little to nothing about this game and at first it looked bad, but I am slowly starting to really get excited about it. From what I can tell it's a thriller mystery that you are plopped into. What first made me dislike it is there are a lot of times, in all the videos I have seen, that show you having to hit buttons while the character is in the midst of a action scene. Something close to God of War I suppose. I hate that shit but I have come to realize that video games aren't always about game play but story can and should play a great role. I guess the games about some guy trying to get his son back and following multiple characters that are running on parallel tracks all related to that. That seems compelling enough to me. Oh, and I hear there is a stripper scene.

4. Super Street Fighter 4: I love street fighter. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Since renting Street Fighter 4 and playing it at my friends I can't get enough of it. The problem is none of my friends where I live currently like Street Fighter and I don't own any second gen consoles... Well I own a Wii but I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, since i love this game why wouldn't I want to play with more costumes, characters and ultra combos. There really isn't a answer to that question. I'm going to be messing people up all over again with Akuma L, R, and C or should I say LP, LP, ◄, LK, HP! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

3. Diablo 3: I played the first and second in the series, especially the second, and know this one is going to have me stuck in front of my computer for days and days getting all the magic find I can. Blizzard has a way of refining a game until it is as good as it can be without the public's input. They know what makes up a good game and are completely willing to adapt to their demographic. Some people say this is a fault of theirs but I appreciate it. Sure, they might have "ruined" or should i say "changed" things in WoW that I enjoyed but, fuck, if they never changed they would die. That would be a shame to see such a great company, like this, go out of business because people don't like change. Anyway, back to the topic, Diablo looks great and I hear nothing but great things.

2. Metroid: Other M: Now, don't get mad, but i have never beaten Super Metroid, or even really played it. When I heard, though, that the new Metroid was being made by Team Ninja, creators of Ninja Gaiden, I was sold. I really have no information besides that and that's all I need. I have so much faith in Team Ninja that I have put this game as number 2 on my list.

1. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: At one point, a couple years ago, I decided to play a bunch of Castlevania games. I had heard that they were good so I downloaded some emulators and beat maybe four in a row. Then I played some on my little bros DS. They are great and this new one is 3 effing D. Now, I know what your thinking, "Ya? check out Castlevania for the 64" and i say to you "No, fuck off". I heard it was bad and I don't need to taint my view of Castlevania with that filth. The most promising thing about this new Castlevania and how I can get over it being 3D so fast is that it's being made by Kojima Productions. Ya, those guys that made Metal Gear. What I'm trying to say is I have a boner for vampire killing... Fuck you Twilight!

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